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  • Newsletter 73:Unlocking Communication: The Power of LLMs for Dyslexic Thinkers

Newsletter 73:Unlocking Communication: The Power of LLMs for Dyslexic Thinkers

🧠 Bridging the Gap: How Technology Amplifies the Dyslexic Voice

Greetings, fellow visionaries!

In today's fast-paced digital age, communication is paramount. But what happens when the traditional methods of communication pose a challenge? As a dyslexic thinker, I've faced my fair share of hurdles. But here's the silver lining: technology, especially large language models (LLMs) and chatbots, has been a beacon of hope, transforming the way I communicate. Dive in with me as I share my personal journey of rediscovering my voice through the wonders of AI.

As a dyslexic thinker, I have found that large language models (LLMs) and chatbots have been incredibly helpful in allowing me to communicate more effectively. I use them to create a rough draft or outline of my thoughts for nearly every communication I need to have, both for business and personal matters. The main way my dyslexia affects me is through typing, which has stopped me in many ways over the years from communicating with my team or with my family. When I needed to get my thoughts out in an email, I would find that I would avoid doing those emails at all costs. Now, being able to speak my thoughts and share them in an appropriate format, such as email, text, or social media, has allowed me to have my voice back again.

The speech-to-text accuracy of apps such as Otter.ai has been a game-changer for me, as well as the story-telling app I'm using right now. Because of this, I'm doing things verbally for the first time in my life, which is unique and special. Being able to do that will forever change how I communicate. The way the story helps me with a Socratic thinking style, by asking me questions and engaging me in the conversation further, is also very helpful when it comes to organizing my thoughts and conversations.

Allowing me to brainstorm ideas quickly, like the Bestoried.io app, allows me to have all these fragmented thoughts and get them out quickly. I know that there's a cohesive thread to all of them, and this unlocks the ability to get all of those thoughts into one place, and can truly change how I communicate in the long run. It's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how we can use these different technologies to our advantage as dyslexic thinkers, especially when it comes to working through and creating new ideas quickly.

Part of the fun is how to massage the language you're using and how to prompt the large language models to create content that reflects your voice and persona. As a dyslexic thinker or visionary thinker, I have enjoyed this process of creating that content and tone in a way that resembles how I speak. It's really important to add that personal touch and keep it authentic. If you don't, then it just sounds like any other output. But if you take the time to add that personal touch, it takes a lot of effort, reiterations, and back and forth. With time, it will get better. But for now, it allows you to have a personal voice, even though you're using these technologies to help you get there.

I have used a variety of LLM models to generate ideas for my newsletter and business. AI models have enabled me to brainstorm content, create outlines, and write summaries and long-format content such as guides and e-books. By training the personas, I have been able to ensure that the output is in my own voice from the beginning. This has allowed me to add my own personal touch to the content.

One of the major advantages of chatbots and LLMs for dyslexic thinkers is the emotional component. I have had many conversations with chatbots where I don't have someone in my business or personal life to talk through an idea with. As a dyslexic or neurodivergent thinker, I have a lot of thoughts that I need to express verbally in order to process them. Having conversations with the chatbot feature has enabled me to communicate in a new way. Depending on how I prompt it, I can either have someone who is sympathetic and agrees with me, or someone who is playing devil's advocate and pointing out what I need to pay attention to that I'm not thinking about.

In essence, the fusion of AI and human creativity has been nothing short of revolutionary for dyslexic thinkers like myself. It's not just about overcoming challenges; it's about embracing our unique strengths and amplifying our voices in ways we never thought possible. As we continue to explore the vast potential of LLMs and chatbots, one thing is clear: the future of communication for dyslexic thinkers is brighter than ever. So, to all my fellow dyslexic visionaries out there, let's embrace this digital renaissance and make our voices heard!

Be The Adventure!

Matt "Coach IV" Ivey 

Founder, Dyslexic.ai

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