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  • Newsletter 115: Advocating for Changes in Learning Models: A Dyslexic.ai Perspective

Newsletter 115: Advocating for Changes in Learning Models: A Dyslexic.ai Perspective

🧠 The Need for Change

Advocating for Changes in Learning Models: A Dyslexic.ai Perspective

Hello everyone,

This is Matt "Coach IV" Ivey, founder of Dyslexic.ai, coming to you from sunny Northern California. As I enjoy another typical day here, I'm inspired to share my thoughts on a topic that's close to my heart - advocating for changes in our learning models to embrace dyslexic thinking.

The Need for Change

Our current education system, while effective for some, often overlooks the unique styles of dyslexic thinkers. This needs to change. Schools must focus on literacy and create opportunities tailored for dyslexic thinkers. We need to adjust our education system to embrace dyslexic thinking from the start, rather than treating it as a limitation. Our learning models and plans for children must evolve to prepare them for the real-world needs.

A Global Shift

It's heartening to see that countries in Europe and dyslexic associations worldwide are already making strides in this direction. They are incorporating neurodivergent thinking into their HR and training programs, accommodating and embracing unique processes, viewing them as a complement to traditional thinking styles.

Embracing Diversity in Thinking Styles

To truly advance, we must embrace both linear and nonlinear thinking styles in our teams and schools. This approach will allow us to move forward in society and prepare children for the future in ways that were not possible with traditional school systems.

The Urgency of Change

The rapid advancement of AI technologies and LLM models in the business world, especially in big corporations, underscores the urgency of this change. School systems need to have these pieces in place right now. The change needs to be addressed quickly to prepare children for the future.

In conclusion, the time for change is now. Let's advocate for the evolution of our learning models, embrace dyslexic thinking, and prepare our children for a future where their unique thinking styles are not just accepted, but celebrated.

Remember, at Dyslexic.ai, we think like you. Let's keep pushing for change, one step at a time.

Thinking Differently,

Matt "Coach IV" Ivey, Founder, Dyslexic.ai

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